Are you interested in some tips on taking good selfies? Personally. I love taking selfies because I’m never satisfied with photos that other people take and plus, they’re a lot of fun to take! The only thing is, taking a decent selfie is hard since you’re the person in front of and “behind” the camera! If you’d like to learn to take better pictures of yourself while looking totally fabulous, take note of these helpful tips on taking good selfies that you’ll be happy to show off!
Check Yourself Out
Tips on taking good selfies must include giving yourself a once over before you take the pic! Have you ever snapped a photo assuming your hair and makeup were on point only to find out that you have flyaways and smeared eyeliner? Of course you can always delete the pic and take another, but you might as well check yourself out first so you have lots of good selfies to pick from!
Lighten Up
When you’re taking a selfie, or any photo for that matter, you have to have good lighting! You can’t show off your makeup, hair or new outfit in bad lighting because it’s distracting and unflattering! Sure, you can strategically hide a blemish with a shadow, but don’t choose lighting that’s too harsh or too dark. Even if you plan it that way, your vision might not translate well to the photo!
Background Check
Another important element in taking pictures is to pick a good, clear background. We’ve all seen those photo fails where someone has taken a selfie in a dirty bedroom with piles of clothes or in the bathroom while someone’s taking care of business. Always check your surroundings so you have a clear background that lends itself well to an impromptu photo sesh. Look for solid colored walls, textured curtains or any place without clutter.
Be Still
An obvious but challenging tip to execute is to be still when you take your photos. This is especially important when you’re taking a selfie since you can’t rely on someone else with two steady hands to snap the photo. You’re usually trying to pose, make sure you’re in good lighting and trying to steady a wobbly arm all at the same time. It takes practice, but it is possible to take clear, non-wobbly pics! Take a deep breath, try to relax and hold your pose!
The More The Merrier
When it comes to taking pictures, the more you take, the more pictures you have to choose from. Don’t expect to get your best shot the first time. Even the most effortless-looking photos took time and preparation! Don’t be afraid to take tons of photos so you have the best pictures to choose from when you’re picking your next profile or Instagram pic!
Be Confident
No need to be shy when you’re taking a selfie, go all out! Nobody is watching you trying to take silly or sexy photos, so work it! Remember all those episodes of America’s Next Top Model you watched? Put Tyra’stipsto good use and strike a pose! Be confident and have fun, it’ll show in the photo and you’ll have tons of fun taking the pictures when you’re being yourself and letting loose.
When taking pictures, there’s nothing wrong with editing them! Use a filter for a cool vintage feel, crop out some of the photo that you don’t like or create a fun collage! Using a filter doesn’t always mean you’re trying to hide something or you’re not being you – it can add a special something to an otherwise plain photo! But of course you can use a filter to give yourself a glow or blur out blemishes!
Consider The Angle
A lot of people do not consider the angle of the picture when they are taking their own selfies; don’t be that person! Some people look great when they hold the phone up and angle their face upward – think about it! Switch it up and find your best side and your best angle. Don’t be scared to try something different!
Be Silly
The silly selfies that you take are often the best and truthfully, they can be super fun to take! Pull a fish or duck face, really pull out the cute faces and even try some amazing props, all based around silliness!
No Mirrors
Whenever you take a selfie, you don’t want to have a mirror in the picture or take a selfie when you are staring into a mirror. You can often see the phone you are using and overall, they typically don’t look that great!
Look At The Picture Before Taking It
Finally, look at the picture that you are taking before you snap it! A lot of camera phones now have the ability to switch the phone around so you can see the photo you are taking before you snap it – do you like it? Then snap it! Are you ready to start taking some sensational selfies? I admit, I have some girlfriends who have totally mastered the art of taking a good selfie. Although I’m not quite at that level yet, I know with practice I’ll be just as good! The most important part of taking a selfie is have fun and be confident! Do you have any tips on taking a fab selfie?